Fundamental study of global management problems of mankind and the search for their effective solutions. Promotion of the research interests of members and partners of the IRIAS in the world scientific, business and cultural communities.
Implementation of comprehensive research and development in the field of theory and practice of management. The legal position of IRIAS is used as an international intergovernmental organization endowed with international legal personality, governed by the current intergovernmental agreement and the 1980 Budapest Convention.
- Conducting research and development for the countries of the Contracting Parties in the field of theory and practice of organizing and managing socialist social production.
- Coordination of research activities of organizations of the countries - Contracting Parties in the field of management problems of mutual interest;
- Implementation of advisory activities for organizations of the countries - Contracting Parties and transfer of best practices in the field of management;
- Rendering assistance to the countries - Contracting Parties in the field of introduction of progressive forms and methods of organization and management of socialist social production;
- Development of projects and methodological provisions for organizing the management of individual systems for organizations of the countries of the Contracting Parties and national organizations of third countries on orders (on a contractual basis);
- Editorial and publishing and information activities;
- Development of comprehensive programs for transforming the development of enterprises and organizations.
- Substantiation of the adoption of the most important interstate and national management decisions;
- Scientific understanding of risks and opportunities for the development of integration processes of countries, industries, corporations;
- Technological platforms;
- Business models of the new economy;
- Technologies for forming trust platforms;
- Information technology in management.