Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, Government of the Hungarian People's Republic, Government of the German Democratic Republic, Government of the Republic of Cuba, Government of the Mongolian People's Republic, Government of the Polish People's Republic, Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, guided by the principles of equality, mutual respect, independence and sovereignty , non-interference in internal affairs, mutual benefit and comradely mutual assistance, proceeding from the provisions of the Comprehensive Program for the Further Deepening and Improvement of Cooperation and Development of Socialist Economic Integration of the CMEA Member Countries, taking into account that the issues of improving governance in conditions of further deepening and improving cooperation and the development of socialist economic integration are of particular importance, wishing to provide conditions for the full acceleration of scientific -technical progress and increasing the efficiency of research work, attaching great importance to the joint development of problems of theory and practice of the organization and management of socialist social production, decided to conclude this Agreement.
Article I
The Contracting Parties shall establish an International Research Institute for Advanced Systems, hereinafter referred to as the "Institute". The seat of the Institute is Moscow, USSR.
Article II
- The Institute is an international research organization. The Institute aims to carry out comprehensive research and development in the field of theory and practice of organizing and managing socialist social production, its branches and links, studying and generalizing the practice and best practices of management in socialist countries, as well as studying world experience in the field of management in order to use individual elements management practices of other countries.
- The order of relations between the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and the International Research Institute for Advanced Systems is determined by the protocol concluded between them.
Article III. The main tasks of the Institute are:
- Carrying out scientific research and development for the countries of the Contracting Parties in the field of theory and practice of organization and management of socialist social production;
- Coordination of research activities of organizations of the countries - Contracting Parties in the field of management problems of mutual interest;
- Implementation of advisory activities for organizations of country - Contracting Parties and transfer of best practices in the field of management;
- Rendering assistance to the countries - Contracting Parties in the field of introduction of progressive forms and methods of organization and management of socialist social production;
- Development of projects and guidelines for organizing the management of individual systems for organizations of the countries of the Contracting Parties and national organizations of third countries on orders (on a contractual basis);
- Editorial and publishing and information activities.
Article IV. The Institute performs the tasks assigned to it:
- On our own in accordance with the approved work plan;
- In cooperation with interested organizations of the countries of the Contracting Parties, as well as with organizations of other countries on a contractual basis;
- With the participation of specialists drawn from the countries of the Contracting Parties under contracts or as an exception concurrently;
- By establishing contacts with non-governmental international and national organizations of third countries;
- By organizing and holding international scientific conferences, symposia and meetings.
Article V. The Contracting Parties shall facilitate:
- Active participation of organizations of their countries in the implementation of cooperation programs on research coordinated by the Institute in the field of management, in the use of the results obtained, as well as their implementation in practice;
- Providing the Institute, through the respective organizations of the countries, with the information necessary for the performance of work related to the activities of the Institute, in accordance with the procedure established in the countries;
- Carrying out joint work of research organizations of their countries with the Institute, allocating for this purpose the leading research organizations;
- Referral for work in the Institute of highly qualified specialists.
Article VI. The Institute is the legal entity of the country of residence
In the territories of the countries - Contracting Parties, the Institute uses the legal capacity necessary to carry out the functions assigned to it. On issues not regulated by this Agreement, the legal capacity of the Institute and its activities are determined by the legislation of the country where the Institute is located.
The Institute, in accordance with the procedure established in the countries - Contracting Parties, and / or by agreement between the Institute and the competent authorities of the interested country - Contracting Party, may establish on their territory target laboratories, consulting and other centers, international teams and other organizations that may be of a joint nature. ... All of the organizations listed above may or may not be legal entities in their country of residence.
The Institute, in agreement with the competent authorities of the countries of the Contracting Parties, may establish its branches on their territory. The branches of the Institute are legal entities of the country of their location. Branches act on their own behalf and are not responsible for the obligations of the Institute. The Institute is not responsible for the obligations of its affiliates.
The Institute, in accordance with the procedure established in the countries - Contracting Parties, may establish its representative offices on their territory. Representative offices of the Institute are not legal entities of the country of their location and act on behalf of the Institute.
The Institute may, in accordance with the procedure established in countries that are not parties to the Agreement, create on the territory of these countries target laboratories, consulting and other centers, international teams and other organizations that have a joint nature and are legal entities of the country of their location, which are not responsible for the obligations Institute, and the Institute is not responsible for their obligations.
The Institute, in order to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, has the right:
- Conclude contracts;
- Purchase, rent and dispose of property;
- Acquire and exercise other property and personal non-property rights, as well as act as a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and arbitration.
Article VII. Manual
- The supreme body for managing the activities of the Institute is the Council, which consists of permanent representatives appointed by the competent authorities of the countries - Contracting Parties.
- The Council consists of one member from each country - Contracting Party. The Director of the Institute is a member of the Council with an advisory vote.
- Advice:
- Approves the Charter of the Institute, changes and additions to the Charter;
approves the Regulations on the working conditions of the Institute's employees and makes changes and additions to it;
- Adopts the Regulation on the order of work of the Council, as well as makes additions and changes to it;
- On the recommendation of the Director of the Institute, makes decisions on the creation of target laboratories, consulting and other centers, international teams, representative offices, branches and other organizations created on the territory of the countries - Contracting Parties and countries that are not parties to the Agreement;
- Approves the long-term and current work plans of the Institute, as well as the budget of the Institute;
- Approves the general scheme of positions for the staff of the Institute, the total number of the main scientific personnel of the Institute and quotas by country;
- Approves, upon the authorization of the Contracting Parties, proposals to change the scale of countries' participation in financing the activities of the Institute;
- Appoints and dismisses the director of the Institute;
- Appoints and dismisses deputy directors on the recommendation of the director of the Institute. Deputy Directors are appointed from among the candidates recommended by the Board members;
- Examines and approves the annual reports of the Director of the Institute on the activities of the Institute;
- Sets the deadlines for the payment of contributions for the maintenance of the Institute;
- Carries out the organization and coordination of scientific research in the field of problems of public production management, which are of mutual interest for the countries - Contracting Parties;
- Approves, upon the recommendation of the Director of the Institute, the composition of the Scientific Council of the Institute;
- Appoints members of the Audit Commission and determines the procedure for its activities;
- Considers issues related to the admission of new members of the Institute;
- Considers other issues arising from this Agreement.
- On issues within its competence, the Council makes decisions. The decisions of the Council come into force from the date of signing the minutes of the meeting, except for cases when, at the request of a member of the Council included in the minutes, the decision needs to be approved by the competent authorities of his country;
- Decisions concerning the approval, amendment and addition of the Statute of the Institute, the Regulation on the Procedure of the Council of the Institute, the Regulation on the working conditions of the Institute staff, the total annual budget, approval of the total number of key scientific personnel and the distribution of quotas by country, as well as proposals to change the scale equity participation, require unanimity in the Council.
On other issues, decisions are made by a qualified majority of 2/3 of the members of the Council.
The decisions of the Council on the organization and coordination of scientific research in the field of management problems of mutual interest to the countries - Contracting Parties shall apply to those countries - Contracting Parties whose representatives voted for the adoption of these decisions.
Article VIII. Governing bodies
- The Institute is headed by the Director. In their work, the Director of the Institute and his deputies are guided by this Agreement, the Statute of the Institute and the decisions of the Council. The director is accountable for his activities to the Council.
- The Director of the Institute is responsible for the activities of the Institute.
Article IX. Institute Director:
- Carries out general management of the Institute's activities;
- Directs the preparation of the main directions and perspective plans of scientific research and development;
- Prepares proposals for the draft annual budget of the Institute;
- Approves annual research and development plans;
- Concludes agreements and contracts;
- Approves the structure and staffing of the Institute within the budget, payroll and salary scheme;
- Appoints and dismisses employees of the Institute in accordance with the Regulations on working conditions of employees of the Institute;
- Accepts specialists from countries - Contracting Parties and third countries to carry out certain works in which the Institute is interested;
- Establishes and changes the salaries of employees of all categories within the limits of official salaries approved by the Council, and also establishes personal allowances for individual employees in the amount of up to 50% to the basic salary within the limits of the amounts approved by the estimate for these purposes;
- Bonuses to individual employees or research teams of the Institute;
- Represents the Institute, within the framework of its competence and rights, before organizations, institutions and enterprises of the countries - Contracting Parties and other countries, as well as before other international organizations;
- Creates, if necessary, temporary groups from the staff of the Institute and from involved specialists;
- Approves the rules governing the internal activities of the Institute;
- Issues orders and orders within its competence;
- Is the manager of the Institute's funds.
Article X. Advisory Body
As an advisory body at the Institute, an Academic Council is created from among the leading scientists and specialists of the countries of the Contracting Parties in the field of science and management practice, as a rule, from the staff of the Institute.
Article XI. Scientific Council of the Institute
- Discusses the directions of scientific activity of the Institute;
- Considers issues of improving the structure and activities of the Institute;
- Considers draft plans for scientific research, publication of scientific papers, proceedings of scientific meetings and conferences;
- Considers reports on the most important results of the scientific activity of the Institute;
- Discusses selected scientific problems and scientific reports;
- Discusses issues of coordination of activities and cooperation with other scientific institutions;
- Hears reports of heads of departments of the Institute and individual scientists on the work done;
- Discusses other issues of a scientific nature submitted for his consideration by the Director of the Institute.
If necessary, the Academic Council, at the suggestion of the Director of the Institute, creates Council sections on problems.
Article XII
The total number of the main scientific personnel of the Institute is determined by the Council and distributed among the countries by the Contracting Parties according to quotas for a period of up to three years with subsequent revision. The total number and composition of scientific, technical and administrative personnel is determined by the director of the Institute within the budget, payroll and general salary scheme, approved by the Council. The vacant quota positions of the main scientific personnel, if they are not replaced within six months, may be temporarily replaced by specialists from other countries by the decision of the Director of the Institute. Vacant positions of scientific, technical and administrative personnel are filled by the decision of the Director of the Institute on the recommendation of the relevant organizations of the countries - Contracting Parties.
Article XIII
The Institute publishes a journal on problems of management theory and practice.
Article XIV
- Funding for the activities of the Institute is carried out in accordance with the budget drawn up for each calendar year;
- The budget takes into account the contributions of the countries - Contracting Parties in accordance with the size of their share, the income of the Institute from the provision of any type of services provided for payment on a contractual basis, as well as the costs associated with the maintenance of the Institute and the implementation of the work plan for the corresponding year ;
- The budget of the Institute is drawn up in the currency of the country of its location and includes all expenses related to its activities. The budget may provide for amounts in transferable rubles and convertible currency for the purchase of the necessary equipment and instruments and for other expenses in these currencies;
- The size of the share participation of the countries - Contracting Parties is determined by the Protocol, which is an integral part of this Agreement;
- The costs of performing, on a contractual basis, individual works in which one or more countries - Contracting Parties are interested, shall be borne by the customers, as well as by the countries concerned, on conditions determined by the Council;
- Expenses for the maintenance of participants in meetings and meetings related to the implementation of the Institute's tasks, including meetings of the Council, the Audit Commission, shall be borne by the country sending its representatives and other participants to these meetings and meetings;
- The costs associated with the provision of premises, as well as the technical means necessary for holding meetings and meetings, shall be borne by the country in which these meetings and meetings are held, except for those cases when such meetings and meetings are held in the premises of the Institute. In these cases, these costs are charged to the Institute's budget.
Article XV
- Control over the financial activities of the Institute is carried out by the Audit Commission, which is subordinate to the Council and consists of three members appointed by the Council for a period of 3 years. The members of the Audit Commission elect a chairman from among their members, develop the procedure for the Commission's activities and submit it for approval by the Council;
- The Auditing Commission determines the correctness of spending money and handling property and equipment, maintaining accounting records and cash management, as well as accounting reports;
- Members of the Audit Commission cannot hold any positions at the Institute;
- The Director of the Institute is obliged to create the necessary conditions for the work of the Auditing Commission and provide it with the necessary materials and documents.
Article XVI
Countries - Contracting Parties have the right to use the results obtained at the Institute free of charge within their territory. The conditions for transferring results to third countries are determined by the Council.
The terms of use of the results of work performed by the Institute on a contractual basis are determined by agreements (contracts) with customers.
The rights to use the results achieved at the level of inventions are determined by agreements in force on this issue between the countries - Contracting Parties.
Article XVII. Property
The property of the Institute is not subject to administrative seizure.
The Institute is exempt from direct taxes and fees, both national and local, with the exception of payments for utilities and other similar services.
The Institute is exempt from customs fees and restrictions on the export and import of items intended for official use.
Article XVIII. Working conditions
- Working conditions of employees of the Institute are determined by this Agreement, the Charter of the Institute and the Regulations on working conditions of employees of the Institute.
For issues not regulated by this Agreement, the Charter and the Regulations on the Working Conditions of the Institute's employees, the working conditions of the Institute's employees are determined by the legislation of the country where the Institute is located.
- Working conditions of employees of the Institute sent to work in the organization of the Institute on the territory of the countries - Contracting Parties are determined by the Agreement, the Statute of the Institute, the Regulations on the working conditions of employees of the Institute and the legislation of the country where this organization is located.
- The privileges and immunities of the representatives of the Contracting Parties in the Council and the staff of the Institute will be established by a supplementary Agreement.
Article XIX. Diplomatic status of employees
Employees of the Institute who are not citizens of the country of its residence, as well as members of their families are provided with living quarters, utilities and medical care on the conditions applicable to citizens of the country where the Institute is located
Article XX. International development
Other countries may accede to this Agreement with the consent of all Contracting Parties. The accession is considered to have taken place from the day the depositary of this Agreement receives the consent of all the Contracting Parties to this.
The Institute may include international organizations, other institutions and organizations from countries that are not parties to the Agreement as associate members. The rights and obligations of an associate member are established by an agreement concluded between the Institute and the associate member.
The Institute can join as an associate member in various international organizations on the basis of a separate agreement.
Organizations of countries that are not parties to the Agreement can cooperate with the Institute on the basis of cooperation agreements concluded with it.
Article XXI. Rights and obligations
The provisions of this Agreement do not affect the rights and obligations of the Contracting Parties arising from their membership in other international organizations and from other international agreements concluded by them.
Article XXII
This Agreement is subject to approval by the competent authorities of each of the Contracting Parties and enters into force upon the expiration of 30 days from the date of transmission to the depositary of the last document of approval of this Agreement, of which the depositary will notify all Contracting Parties.
This Agreement will be temporarily entered into force after 60 days from the date of signing, if it does not enter into force on that date in accordance with the first paragraph of this article.
Article XXIII. Term of the Agreement
This Agreement is concluded for an unlimited period. It can be changed with the consent of all Contracting Parties. The changes will become effective in accordance with Article XXII of this Agreement.
Each Contracting Party may withdraw from this Agreement by notifying the depositary of this Agreement by the end of February of each year. A waiver of participation in this Agreement shall enter into force for that country on January 1 of the following year.
Refusal to participate in the Agreement does not relieve the Contracting Party and its organizations from fulfilling the obligations assumed by them earlier on the basis of the Agreement.
Article XXIV
The Institute can be liquidated by unanimous decision of all Contracting Parties, which determine the procedure and terms of its liquidation.
Article XXV
The official languages of the Institute are the languages of the countries of the Contracting Parties. The working language is Russian.
Article XXVI
This Agreement will be deposited with the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which will act as depositary.
This Agreement was signed on July 9, 1976 in Berlin.
The Agreement is drawn up in one copy in Russian, and certified copies of the Agreement will be sent by the depositary to all Contracting Parties.
In witness whereof the Authorized Representatives of the Contracting Parties have signed this Agreement
Under the authority of the Government of the People's Republic of Bulgaria A. Lukanov;
Under the authorization of the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic D. Secker;
By the authorization of the Government of the German Democratic Republic G. Weiss;
By the authorization of the Government of the Republic of Cuba K.R. Rodriguez;
By the authorization of the Government of the Mongolian People's Republic D. Gombozhav;
By the authorization of the Government of the People's Republic of Poland K. Olszewski;
Under the authorization of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics M. Lesechko;
By the authorization of the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic R. Roglicek.