
Issued documents
International diplomas: PhD Sociology, Political Science, Cultural Studies, Philosophy
Issuing Bodies: Singapore academy of Corporate management, Singapore
British Business Academy Research & Teaching International, UK
(the owner of this educational program and the Singaporean franchise).
Certificate: International Research Institute of Management Problems, on the authorship of a unique research.

Training conditions and cost
Form of study: Distance: Research.
Duration of study on the program: 4 semesters / 12 calendar months.
Number of qualifying exams: 8.
Final work: Dissertation Philosophy Doctor.

Unique program, certified and accredited
The Doctor of Philosophy course reveals the topics of sociology, social forecasting and management, cultural studies and political science, presents a set of relevant humanitarian knowledge on key issues of the life of modern society, revealing not only the experience of the past, but also offering a promising view of the future. Modern people who use computers and mobile phones, spend most of their time in virtual space, are associated with the axial categories of culture no less than people of the past. It is from the understanding of these historical meanings that today's solutions to most of the most pressing issues, from public to personal, follow. In the learning process, a unique step-by-step method of presenting material will be used, prepared in the style of the best classical schools of thought. The presentation of the material will resemble an exciting computer game, where the passage of the course will be organized from easier to more difficult levels, and philosophy and cultural studies will become your weapon for solving the most difficult external and internal problems. The proposed educational concept is that philosophy and culture are not boring disciplines, but an exciting intellectual game for the development of free thinking, in which everyone can participate.

The target audience
Leaders responsible for the organization and development of business, culture, government relations;
Heads of Strategy Development and Communications Departments;
Owners and managers of small, medium and large businesses;
Heads of public organizations.

Enrollment of doctoral students and terms of study
Beginning of training: monthly from the 1st day of the month.
Duration of study on the program is 12 months (4 semesters).

At the disposal of the doctoral student
Access to course materials in digital format through a personal account;
Remote consultations of a personal tutor throughout the entire period of study, assistance in organizing the process of writing a dissertation work;
Access to the electronic library of the academy;
Access to passing the qualifying exam (in electronic form);
Access to the closed sections of the academy's video channel on YouTube.

Tuition fees and registration of tuition
Total Tuition Fee £ 27,000
Grant Tuition Fees £ 6,000
(issued through MNIIPU or personally, through representatives of the academy).
For more information and assistance in filling out an application for a doctoral study in business - call the contact numbers indicated on the website.
In agreement with the SACM administration, you can choose a topic for a grant:

1. Philosophy and medicine in their historical relationship.
2. Philosophy as theory and method of knowledge.
3. Historical forms of worldview.
4. Place and role of philosophy in culture.
5. System structure of philosophical knowledge.
6. Philosophy and Science: General and Distinctive Features.
7. The role of philosophy in the modern world.
7. Place and time of origin of philosophy in the European sense.
8. The atomic doctrine of Democritus and its influence on medicine.
9. Dichotomy "idealism-materialism" in ancient philosophy.
10. Influence of Confucian ethics on social practice in China.
11. Hippocrates on the nature of man and his diseases.
12. Miletus and Eleyskaya schools: general characteristics.
13. Sophists as teachers of wisdom and master.
14. The main ideas of the philosophy of stoicism.
15. The Renaissance as a synthesis of Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
16. Philosophy of the Renaissance.
17. Distinctive features of rationalism in modern times.
18. F. Bacon on the purpose and tasks of medicine.

By agreement with the tutor, you can choose a topic for a grant:

  1. Psychophysiological problem in the philosophy of Descartes.
  2. Philosophy and Medicine of Modern Times.
  3. The problem of society and man in the philosophy of the Enlightenment.
  4. Materialism and atheism in the teachings of the eighteenth century enlighteners.
  5. Rationalism and sensationalism as methods of understanding the world.
  6. Development trend of prevention and clinical medicine in the 17th century
  7. I. Kant on the cognitive capabilities of a person.
  8. I. Kant on the autonomy of morality.
  9. The contradiction between Hegel's method and system.
  10. The essence of Feuerbach's anthropological materialism.
  11. L. Feuerbach's concept of religion.
  12. The significance of Hegel's idealistic dialectic for philosophy and science.
  13. Feuerbach about medicine as the "homeland of materialism".
  14. Questions of medicine in the writings of Hegel.
  15. Marxist philosophy about dialectics as a general theory of development.
  16. Marxism and Western Philosophy.
  17. The concept of dialectics in Marxist philosophy.
  18. Man as a subject of history.
  19. Lenin's stage in the development of the philosophy of Marxism.
  20. G.V. Plekhanov as a theorist of Marxism.
  21. Theory and practice of Marxism in the modern world.
  22. Schopenhauer on personal freedom.
  23. The problem of truth is pragmatism.
  24. The problem of personality in irrationalism.
  25. The idea of ​​the superman Nietzsche in the spiritual life and social practice of the 20th century.
  26. General and specific in the teachings of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.
  27. Rethinking the subject of philosophy in positivism.
  28. The historical fate of philosophy in Russia.
  29. Intuition as a philosophical problem in Russian philosophy.
  30. A. Herzen on the relationship between philosophy and natural science.
  31. Anthropological principle of the philosophy of N.G. Chernyshevsky.
  32. Enlightenment philosophy in Russia.
  33. Philosophical ideas in domestic medicine (N.I. Pirogov, I.M.Sechenov and others).
  34. Ideological sources of philosophical thought in Russia.
  35. Scientific and philosophical schools of Chuvash thinkers.
  36. The ideas of Russian cosmism in the context of globalization.
  37. Psychoanalysis of Z. Freud and its significance for medicine.
  38. Philosophical ideas of hermenetics.
  39. Philosophical anthropology of E. Fromm.
  40. The problem of consciousness in the teachings of E. Husserl.
  41. Solving the problem of man in existentialism.
  42. Being natural and man-made things.
  43. Dialectical-materialistic picture of the universe.
  44. Features of biological and social space - time.
  45. Movement, development, space and time as inherent properties of matter.
  46. Engels about the basic forms of motion of matter.
  47. The latest philosophy about the problems of human existence.
  48. Modern concepts of matter in the context of the Big Bang theory.
  49. Ancient concepts of dialectics.
  50. The principle of universal connection and its manifestation at various levels of the universe.
  51. Dialectic alternatives and their essence.
  52. The universal character of the laws of dialectics.
  53. Laws and patterns in philosophy and medicine.
  54. Objective and subjective dialectics.
  55. Contribution of German classical philosophy to the development of dialectics.
  56. Correlation between norm and pathology: quantitative and qualitative characteristics.
  57. Health and illness as dialectical opposites of an integral developing organism.
  58. Evolution of ideas about consciousness in the history of philosophy.
  59. Consciousness as a subjective reality.
  60. Consciousness and unconsciousness.
  61. The role of self-awareness in the formation of personality.
  62. Ordinary consciousness and the world of everyday life.
  63. Levels of public consciousness.
  64. The problem of artificial intelligence and the future of humanity.
  65. Forms of public consciousness.
  66. The problem of consciousness and the unconscious in medicine.
  67. Artificial and natural languages, their connection with thinking.
  68. Specificity of circulation in the organic world.
  69. The importance of philosophy in the formation of the logic of scientific knowledge.
  70. Science as a universal value.
  71. Science as a special way of knowing the world and its laws.
  72. The role of experience, experiment, practice in establishing the consistency of scientific knowledge.
  73. Technique and art.
  74. Technique and technology.
  75. Technology and global problems of our time.
  76. Ethical aspects in the development of modern science.
  77. Technology and civilization.
  78. From the humanization of modern education to the humanization of society.
  79. Social consequences of the current stage of scientific and technological progress.
  80. Biological and social in man.
  81. The problem of personality in modern philosophy and medicine.
  82. Personality and Society.
  83. Man and nature as a functional system.
  84. Religious and scientific understanding of immortality.
  85. Solutions to the problem of the meaning of life in the history of philosophy.
  86. Lifestyle and human health.
  87. Social conditioning of human health and diseases.
  88. Social problems of medicine.
  89. The essence of the revolution made by Marx and Engels in their views on society.
  90. Modern models of society development.
  91. On the criteria for progress in social development.
  92. The labor theory of anthroposociogenesis: pros and cons.
  93. The role of health care in the development of modern society.
  94. Modern concepts of culture and civilization.
  95. The relationship between society and nature: in search of the optimal model.
  96. Material and spiritual values: their relationship in the process of cultural development.
  97. Moral and ethical values ​​in modern medicine.
  98. Life in the scale of value orientations of society.
  99. Beauty, goodness, truth as enduring values.
  100. The spiritual culture of physicians is the value state of humanity.
  101. Death in the human value system.
  102. Health as a social value and social wealth.